Tag: 2010
B&W, Chatter, CNY, Expired film, Landscapes, Nature, New York, pinhole, Syracuse
Reminder – World Pinhole Day is April 25th
Just a friendly neighborhood reminder that this Sunday! Sunday!! Sunday!!! is World Pinhole Photography Day. In previous years, I’ve been well-intentioned, but still never quite actually participated. This year however, I’ve built a custom pinhole camera from an Altoids tin (would that make it a ‘mint-hole’ camera, a ‘pintoid,’ ‘curiously lensless’???) from scratch. There are […]
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First Annual Holga Hike
Ah… the signs of Spring’s imminent arrival keep popping up around me: Temperatures are rising and the snow is beginning to melt, robins are roosting and geese are returning from their southernly sojourn, and probably most tell-tale, I finally wore my Chucks outside for the first time this year; although on March 20th, the first […]
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