New York
B&W, Chatter, CNY, Expired film, Landscapes, Nature, New York, pinhole, Syracuse
Reminder – World Pinhole Day is April 25th
Just a friendly neighborhood reminder that this Sunday! Sunday!! Sunday!!! is World Pinhole Photography Day. In previous years, I’ve been well-intentioned, but still never quite actually participated. This year however, I’ve built a custom pinhole camera from an Altoids tin (would that make it a ‘mint-hole’ camera, a ‘pintoid,’ ‘curiously lensless’???) from scratch. There are […]
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B&W, Baldwinsville, CNY, Holga, Ilford HP5 Plus, Landscapes, Lo-fi, Nature, New York
Holga Hike – Another Beaver Lake Shot
Another image from the Holga Hike / Beaver Lake shoot. The recent snow melt had created a temporary pond around two winter-barren bushes. There were all kinds of little birds frolicking amongst the branches, chirping, hopping and occasionally splashing away. Even though I stealthily approached the scene in my best Elmer Fudd-esque stalk, my fine […]
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B&W, Baldwinsville, Camera, Chatter, CNY, Holga, Ilford HP5 Plus, Landscapes, Lo-fi, Nature, New York, Plants, Trees
Holga Hike – Beaver Lake Nature Center
Alas & alack, it just wasn’t meant to be… I didn’t submit my Holga Hike image in time due to a mix of FedEx fumbling the delivery date of my fresh developer, family visiting for Easter and a misinterpretation of a vague deadline. C’est la vie. The good news is Randy from HolgaMods assures me […]
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Brownie Hawkeye Flash, Chatter, CNY, Expired film, flipped lens, New York
Not Dead, Just Thinking.
The updating here at has been a little lax of late, as I have been thinking of doing some sort of a major overhaul of the site design. I want to move away from WordPress being the index and content manager of the site. I’ll keep WP around as a component of the site, but I […]
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Adirondacks, Brownie Hawkeye Flash, flipped lens, Lo-fi, New York, Rollei Retro, Vintage Cameras
BHF – Bridge to the Adirondacks
Yet another flipped lens Brownie Hawkeye Flash, Rollei Retro 400 developed in Diafine. Tinted in PS.
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B&W, Brownie Hawkeye Flash, flipped lens, Landscapes, Lo-fi, Nature, New York, Plants, Rollei Retro, Trees, Vintage Cameras, Waterfalls
BHF – More from the Adirondacks
NY 86, near Lake Placid, NY. Ausable River. High Falls Gorge. All taken with a flipped lens Brownie Hawkeye Flash, Rollei Retro 400 developed in Diafine.
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B&W, Brownie Hawkeye Flash, flipped lens, Landscapes, Lo-fi, Nature, New York, Rollei Retro, Vintage Cameras
BHF – Ausable River
The western branch of the Ausable River, near Lake Placid, NY. Flipped lens Brownie Hawkeye Flash, Rollei Retro 400 developed in Diafine.
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